Partnering in Healthcare
At BHS we know that people want to be partners in their own care and have a clear say about what really matters to them.
You can help us improve the patient and resident experience and quality of care by taking on a consumer representative role. Consumer is a word we use to describe patients, primary health and district nursing clients, aged care residents, carers and those who access the programs and services provided by BHS.
At BHS we have consumer representative roles on the BHS Community Advisory Committee, clinical committees and working groups.
We understand that not all consumers, residents and carers are the same. We welcome consumer representatives that reflect the diversity of our community.
Interested? Please contact the Community Engagement Officer.
Community Advisory Committee
Our Community Advisory Committee provides a structured partnership between consumers and the health service organisation.
The Community Advisory Committee meet monthly for 2 hours over lunch and cover a range of agenda items that focus on improving the consumer experience and quality of care at BHS.