
We encourage feedback so that we know what is good and what needs to improve. We have a number of ways you can provide your valuable feedback.


  • Talk in person to the staff on duty. This is the best way to have a minor issue or need addressed and resolved immediately.
  • Talk to the Nurse Unit Manager at the time or make an appointment for a more convenient time.
  • Talk to a unit manager or executive staff by telephone, email or by appointment.


Use a feedback form to submit a compliment, a suggestion or a complaint.

Feedback forms are located in every section of the hospital.   

Surveys & Feedback

Participate in a survey such as the Annual Resident Experience Survey, the Primary Health & District Nursing Survey, or the Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey.

What Matters to You!

Tell us what matters! How was your experience of Beechworth Health Service? We will send your feedback to the right staff, so your voice helps us to continue to improve.

What Matter to You - Feedback Form

Consumer Representative

Volunteer as a consumer representative on any of the operational committees. This is a great way to learn about the inner workings of the Health Service, to have your say on how things should be run and to meet people and have fun too.

Concerns about your care or privacy?

It is always best to try to resolve any concerns you may have with us first. If your concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact an external agency.

Concerns about your care or privacy?

If you have concerns about your care, or the care of your family member, please contact us to try to resolve the issue with us directly. If your concern is not resolved to your satisfaction, an external agency may be able to provide further independent assistance.  

External Contacts