Applications are sought for an Independent Community Representative, with ‘financial expertise’ to join the Finance & Audit Committee of Beechworth Health Service (BHS) as an independent Member of the Committee.
The objectives of the Finance and Audit Committee are to monitor and provide advice on the financial performance of BHS, monitor controls and compliance frameworks and to ensure accountability under the relevant legislation.
Appropriate knowledge and understanding of financial performance, reporting and risk management is a requirement of the role. The BHS Finance & Audit Charter is available on the BHS web page.
The Committee meets at BHS or online, on the fourth Tuesday of each month, commencing at 5pm. The above position is voluntary and the role is to provide an objective, independent, community oriented perspective to assist the BHS Board in discharging its responsibilities.
A role description and nomination form can be obtained from BHS webpage: Finance and Audit Community Representative Role Description, or telephone (03) 5728 0200.
Applications should be forwarded to:
Chief Executive Officer, Beechworth Health Service, PO Box 20, Beechworth Vic 3747